

In fall 2014, I collaborated with Paul Salomon to explore the notion of factor sums of polyforms and (in particular) perfect polyominoes. Our paper will be posted to the arXiv soon; you can read an overview of our work in our proposal for the upcoming MOVES conference. We hope to start a website where ongoing research by ourselves and others will be hosted—something along the lines of Prime Pages.


In summer 2010, I participated in the University of Arizona’s REU in Geometry. I collaborated with Joe Crouch, Mark Doss, Taylor Johnson, and Kira Kiviat in research, writing, and software development on the project “Visualizing Piecewise Flat Manifolds”. Here is our paper.


In summer 2007, I participated in my second summer at PROMYS for Teachers at Boston University. For my independent research project, I studied the action of fractional linear functions on projective finite fields. Here is my paper, “Fractional Linear Functions: Some Thoughts on Permutations”.

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